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HITOMOJI PROJECT -women- 南アフリカ編(日本語字幕)

It has been over half a century since the Women’s Lib movement reshaped American society, and thirty years since Japan introduced the Equal Employment Act.

However, in the World Gender Gap Report 2018 released at last year’s World Economic Forum, Japan ranked 110th out of 149 nations. In terms of gender equality, it is still difficult to call Japan a truly developed nation. And I have gained a personal interest in the situation of women around the world- not only their marriages, their work, their children, but also their dreams, their aspirations. That’s why my goal in creating this series is to find out exactly what women hold dear, and capture their feelings, as well as their physical selves, in a single powerful Chinese character. It’s my hope that through this original style of work I can faithfully express the spirit of contemporary women.

My artistic process begins with dialogue. First I search a number of sources for a woman with an interesting story and outlook, and conduct an interview with

them. Through this interview I then help them select a kanji character that best represents their inner voice, and have the women photographed as part of the character I have written. The moment when the spirit of the woman- represented in written character- merges with their actual body on the page is the moment a Hitomoji artwork is born.


I believe that this series has the potential to show viewers, through a single representative kanji, the true “inner voice” of contemporary women in a way that is not perceivable in data or media images.


The project, which began in February 2019, has been implemented in Japan, the Netherlands, Denmark, Switzerland, Israel, France, South Africa and South Korea. With the current corona crisis, I am looking to bring this project online.

ITOMOJI PROJECT -women- in South Africa