呼 応 Correlation series


Open house production for “ko-ou”

意志ある暮らし sh369(福岡)川尾朋子 島津拓哉 下島啓吾 3人展 2009
Life with will sh369 (Fukuoka) Tomoko Kawao Takuya Shimazu Keigo Three person Joint exhibition 2009



I exhibited an open presentation on “ko-ou” in the three-person exhibition.  I wrote two dots of “ko-ou” in the end of two of the four sliding screen(Fusuma).


First I began from the left, then right, left, and right and made 5 round trips. I wrote 10 dots, and completed my Fusuma(screen) work. After I have completed my work, I opened two Fusumas (screens) and let the visitors walk through the dots. I was told from the visitors that, by walking through the dots right after watching me drawing the dots, made them feel the Ko-ou.(correspondence)