選 Choose

Sanae Uehara (age:41)
Occupation:IT会社マネージャー / Web producer (13 years)
Place:Kobe, Japan

Sanae Uehara (age:41)
Occupation:IT会社マネージャー / Web producer (13 years)
Place:Kobe, Japan
HITOMOJI PROJECT -women-は、親友である大学の同級生のさなえと、毎日のように電話で話していた会話から始まったプロジェクトかもしれない。
5歳の男の子を育てながら仕事をする妊娠5ヶ月のさなえに無理をお願いして、HITOMOJI PROJECT -women-の第一号の作品を制作した。インタビューの中で印象に残ったのは、「出産を男女どちらが産むか選択ができたらいいのに」「仕事と子育ての両立で100%納得できることがない、何をして何をしないかを選択していかないといけない、選択するときに悩む。」と言っていたこと。日本に住む同年代の女性も同じ様な悩みを抱えて生きているはずだと感じた。
ここからHITOMOJI PROJECT -women-が始まった。
I had an idea of HITOMOJI PROJECT -women- as I was talking to my best friend Sanae who I talked everyday on the phone.
Difficulties for keep working under pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare. Feeling guilty for working. Reality parenting without any help. Silent pressure from family and relatives. I’ve been watching Sanae suffering and crying. But she had been surviving her life.
I offered Sanae, a working mom of five months pregnant raising her five year old boy, to be the first art work of HITOMOJI PROJECT -women-. The most impressive part was when she said “I wish we could choose who would carry the baby to term- the husband or the wife.” “It’s impossible to have a career and and raise children to a 100% perfection at the same time. You are forced to choose between what you will do and won’t do, and that’s a difficult choice.” I felt that women in the same ages have similar problems.
So, I chose the word “Choose “.
On a cold day of February 24th, 2019, we had the interview at a dance studio between Sannomiya and Motomachi in Kobe, so the train sound can be heard in the background. We could finish the work somehow playing with a 5 year old boy. This was my very confused first interview, but she answered very honestly, and now the mom of two children.
From here HITOMOJI PROJECT -women- started.
家族構成Family members
夫 子供5歳 妊娠五ヶ月Husband, 5-year old child, currently five months pregnant with second child
幸せと感じることWhen you feel happiest
子供が楽しそうに遊んでいるのをみることWhen I see my child playing happily
今一番欲しいものCurrent wants
ストレスを感じることWhen you feel most stressed
時間に追われていることwhen I am pressed for time
旦那さんに対して思うことFeelings towards husband
一回妊娠してみたらいいのにWant him to be at home more, since he’s often busy at work / would like him to experience being pregnant too!
生まれ変わったら男女どちらに?If you could choose, would you be born again as a male or female?
ずっと男だったけど子供を産んでからは女 I was always masculine, but after giving birth became feminine.
1日が24時間以上あればいい。妊娠中でも普通通りの体力があればいい。何をやるか、スケジュールを考えているばかり。出産を、男女どちらが産むか選択できたらいい。I wish there was more than 24 hours in one day. I wish that we could keep our usual fitness during pregnancy. I wish I wasn’t always thinking of my schedule and what I have to do. I wish we could choose who would carry the baby to term- the husband or the wife.
社会に対して思うこと Views on society
仕事と子育ての両立で100%納得できることがない、何をして何をしないかを選択していかないといけない、選択するときに悩む。何を選んでいくか、自分しかできないことも多い、家事も育児も仕事も、もっと任せても何も文句言われなかったらいいのに。罪悪感を感じることが多い。It’s impossible to have a career and and raise children to 100% perfection at the same time. You are forced to choose
between what you will and won’t do, and that’s a difficult choice. There are many choices, many things that only I can do, so I’d like to
be able to delegate more work, child-rearing, or housework without being castigated. I feel guilty about too many things.
大切なものMy treasure
家族my family