改 Improve

改 Improve

Mariko Florentyna Amano van Baare (age:19)

Occupation:高校生 / High school 1st year







It is known that children in Netherlands are happiest in the world.
I wanted to know the reason why, so I asked my friend Ms Hitomi (Kazumi?) Washida who lives in Amsterdam, and she introduced me Miss Mariko who was 15 years old at that time. And we started to work together.

As I arrived at Mariko’s house by taxi, her father welcomed me. Their house was elegant, bright, and there was a piano. Lots of flowers were blooming. “What should I wear today?” Miss Mariko asked in a fluent Japanese. I said black, then she prepared quickly and showed me her outfit. And then, we went to their house for the production. Their house was under renovation at that time.
Looking back, she was the one who leaded me to work on this project.

During the interview, she said “I want to be a pilot.” It hit me, because a 15 year old Japanese girl would never say a dream like this. Her words explain everything that there are tendency and education of gender equality. It was impressive that she said “I’m respecting the green activist, Ms Greta Thunberg.” “I’m conscious about the global warming, so I’m recycling garbage and going to school by bicycle to make the world better.” And word she chose was “Improve”.

15 year old girl from Netherlands learns ballet and speaks five languages, and concerns about the world politics and social movements, and put them into practice in her daily life. And also, it made me happy when she smiled and said that she is happy spending time with her friends.


Place:Amsterdam まりこちゃんの別の家

Q⽣まれた国今住んでいる国Birthplace, and the country where you live now

オランダで⽣まれ、オランダ、アムステルダムに住んでいる。Born in Netherlands, and live(ing) in Amsterdam, Netherlands.



Q家族構成Family structure

オランダ⼈のお⽗さん、⽇本⼈のお⺟さん、11歳の妹が1⼈いる。Dutch father, Japanese mother, 11-year-old sister.

Q特技や趣味Special skills and hobbies

特技は、3歳からバレーをしていて、4年前にフィギアスケートをしたが、またバレーをしている。絵を描くのが好き。Learning ballet since 3 years old, started learning figure skating 4 years ago, and doing ballet again.
Love(s) drawing.

Q好きな⾷べ物Favorite food

お寿司が好き。ピザも好き。アボガドが好き。パンの上に置いてオリーブオイルとお塩と胡椒で⾷べる。Sushi, and Pizza,too. Like avocado. I like to put it on top of the bread and sprinkle olive oil, salt, and pepper.

Q今欲しいものThings what you want now

物だと、服が欲しい。やりたいことだと、違う国に⾏くのが好き。最近だとパパとボストンに⾏った。As objects, clothes. Things I want do, is to go to the other countries. Recently, I went to Boston with my dad.


Freshman in high school. When I graduate from high school, I want to travel or work during my gap year.
Want to go to Japan too.
If not, I’ll go to university. After my gap year, I want to go to university.
In the university, I want to study law, or if there is a college to be pilots, so I’m interested in, too.


今通っている学校が厳しい。平均が60点以上じゃないといけない。6年までやり直さないで⾏きたい!卒業したい。My high school is very strict. I need to have above 60% for average. I want go straight without repeating year! Want to graduate.

Q幸せと感じることTimes when you feel happiness

お友達といるときが楽しい。学校で1週間バルセロナに⾏って楽しかった。When I’m with my friends. Went to Barcelona for one week for school trip, and had so much fun.

Q⾼校で学んでいることWhat you’re studying at school

Math, Dutch, English, Germany, French, Latin, geography, history, physics, economics.
Language is important in my school. From next year, I can choose a language to learn.
On the last year of the elementary school, we have decided whether we go to the university or not. It depends on exams and the elementary school teachers’ advise.
There are three levels. 1 , not going to university, 2 , not going to university but going to the other way like nurse. 3, go to university.

Qストレスを感じることTimes when you feel stressed

When I have exams. There are exams 3-4 times a week. Or 5 times.
There is exam week, and we have two exams in a day.

Q学校の男⼥の⼈数Number of boys and girls at school

同じIt’s the same.

Qリラックスする時間Relaxing time

TVとか。Netflixとかでシリーズを⾒る。本を読む、絵を描く。TV. Watching Netflix. Reading books. Drawing.

Q⽣活の中でこうだったらいいなと思うことThings you wish it was like this in your life

I Wish to organize about things of school a little bit. Wish I could be more efficient when I have things to be done.
I Wish I could use time more effectively.

Qオランダの中で両親の働き⽅が違う?Is working style of parents are different in Netherlands?

There are mothers who earn outside, and fathers take care of children.
Now they don’t need to pick up and drop off children at school, so I think it is easier for parents to work.

Q尊敬する⼈とその理由A person who you respect and the reason why

A girl who had organized protest about global warming in my age. I think she’s amazing. She made a speech at the conference of the United Nations. → Ms Greta Thunberg
The reason is, because I think that is an important thing too. She’s only young, but very special.

Q社会に対して思うことWhat you think about the society

Global warming is an important issue. Went to Den Haag with my friends to protest. I think we should reduce the amount of gas all over the world.

Q⽇常的に温暖化についてしていることはありますか?What you do to stop global warming on a daily basis?

It says that beef is not good, so I avoid eating meat. I’m recycling garbage and going to school by bicycle.
Leaders in the world are not good. Trump is not good either. There are things we should change; like reducing violence.

Q⽣まれ変わったら男と⼥どちらにまたその理由If you were to be born again, do you want be a boy or a girl? And why so?

Definitely think I was lucky to born female. I don’t feel the differences of abilities between male and female. In Netherlands, there’s nothing that only male can do.
Glad I was born female.
If I were to be born again, I want to be a woman.

Qオランダでの社会の動きSocial movements in Netherlands

T O Pに⼥の⼈が多くなると、若い⼦達私とかが、私だってできるなって思うようになると思う。
When people want to get a job, most of the time, men get the job if they have the same profile. Feminists say that if they employ 60% of female, the balance of male and female would be equal eventually.
If female leaders increase, young girls like me, would think that “I could be like that too.”

Q学校の中での男⼥の違いを感じることはあるかDo you experience any difference between boys and girls at school?


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