整 Arrange

Line Frank (age:41)
Occupation:デザイナー 介護士
Place:Denmark, Copenhagen

Line Frank (age:41)
Occupation:デザイナー 介護士
Place:Denmark, Copenhagen
インタビューは、2008年に京都国立近代美術館のSightseeing BusCamera project in Kyotoで出会ったLineにお願いした。服飾デザイナーのLineには、2010年にデンマークに滞在した時にアトリエを借りて作品を制作したこともあった。何も喋らなくても一緒にいられる居心地の良い友人。穏やかで気さくな彼女のデンマークでの生活や人生について聞いてみたかった。
通訳はSofie Ivan Andersonさん、ありがとうございました。
It was just when the election was held in Denmark, and the most young, moreover, a woman prime minister was to born. I thought that could never happen in Japan, and was preparing for the interview.
I asked Line for the interview. I met her at the exhibition of Sightseeing Bus Camera project in Kyoto held at National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto in 2008. Line is a fashion designer, and when stayed at Denmark, I borrowed her studio to create my works. I feel comfortable with her. Words are not necessary between us. I wanted to ask my gentle and friendly friend Line, about the life in Denmark.
In the interview, she said “I was stressed seven years ago, but I’m not now. At that time I had so many projects including big ones like opera. Deadlines were awful. I divorced with theaters (love still exists though lol). Having time is very important to make my life nice.” “I want take balance between my projects and the other projects. Taking balance is difficult. Sometimes I have lots work to do, and sometimes I don’t at all. Creating balance is difficult.” She works as a care worker, and with that fund, she runs her own fashion design. Job, projects, partner, time. I felt that she’s trying to arrange everything to take balance in her life.
The word she chose was “Arrange”.
Line arranged the venue for work of art this time. Thanks for her that I could work on in the spacious place. My heart melted when she brought me bento. As she said in the interview that men who can’t do the housework are unpopular. According to OECD 2018 an international comparative study, Denmark men spend the most time , three hours and six minutes a week, to do the unpaid labor, such housework. And Japanese men are the least, forty minutes a week. At the Line’s home party, it was impressive that men cooking and cleaning up.
Ms Sofie Ivan Anderson, thanks for the translation.
生まれた国 今住んでいる国Birthplace, and the country where you live now
1978年にデンマークに生まれた。今もデンマークのコペンハーゲンに住んでいる。Born in Denmark, in 1978. And still live in Copenhagen, Denmark.
家族構成年齢Family structure
両親と姉。姉に子供2人いる。今は恋人と住んでいる。(住み始めて2ヶ月半、2回目で同じ人と5年間暮らしていた)Parents and older sister. My sister has two kids. Now I live with my partner (it is the second time we live together and it’s been two months and half. Before, we lived together for five years).
特技や趣味Special skills and hobbies
デザイン 素材や色をコンビネーションすること。服で体のシルエットを作る。Design. To combine fabrics and colors. To create body silhouette with clothes.
好きな食べ物Favorite food
軽い食べ物が好き。野菜、魚、生姜。お茶。I like light meals. Vegetable, fish, ginger. Tea.
今欲しいものThings what you want now
今の生活は普通の仕事をして、そのお金で自分のプロジェクトをしている。アップダウンがあるから、良いバランスでリズムを作りたい。Now I have normal job, and with that salary, I’m working on my project. There’re ups and downs, so I want to make rhythm with good balance.
服を作っている。1年間に2つか3つの服でいろんなパターン、布で作っている。今年のコンセプトは新しい布を買わずに今持っている布を全部使う。もう一つの仕事は、43歳の障害のある女性(立つことが出来ない)の生活を24時間、助けている。料理なども。I make clothes. I make two or three patterns with variety types and different cloths. This year’s concept is to use only cloth I have now. And the other job is to help 43 years old woman with a disability (she can not stand) for 24 hours. Including cooking.
ない 服の作り方を考えているI don’t have. I’m just thinking about design of clothes.
幸せと感じることTimes when you feel happiness
3.海の近くのスタジオでプロジェクトをして散歩している時1. When I’m with my partner.
2. When I’m obsessed with my work.
3. When I’m taking a walk after working on my project at a studio near the beach.
ストレスを感じることTimes when you feel stressed
7年前はストレスがあったが今はあまり感じてない。以前は同時にオペラなど大きなのも含め、たくさんプロジェクトをしていた。締め切りが大変だった。劇場と離婚した(まだ愛はあるけれど笑)時間があるのは、自分の良い感じになるためにすごく大切。I was stressed seven years ago, but I’m not now. At that time I had so many projects including big ones like opera. Deadlines were awful. I divorced with theaters (love still exists though lol). Having time is very important to make my life nice.
リラックスする時間Relaxing time
時間を考えなくて良い時間When I don’t have to worry about time.
生活の中でこうだったらいいなと思うことThings you wish it was like this in your life
自分のプロジェクトだけではなく、他のプロジェクトもバランスをとってしたい。バランスを取るのがすごく難しい。プロジェクトがたくさんある時と、全くない時とあって、バランスを掴むのが難しい。I want take balance between my projects and the other projects. Taking balance is difficult. Sometimes I have lots work to do, and sometimes I don’t at all. Creating balance is difficult.
尊敬する人とその理由A person who you respect and the reason why
恋人。自分をサポートしてくれる。(自由な時間をくれる)自分の意見をはっきり言う。ユーモアがある。My partner. He supports me (gives me free time). He clearly express his own opinions. He had sense of humor.
家事についてのバランスBalance of housework
半半ぐらい。彼は料理や家事もする。家事が出来ないと女を見つけられない。デンマークの今の若い世代は普通のこと。親の世代は違った(自分の父は家事が出来たのが珍しい)。自分は子供がいないから少し楽だと思う。About fifty fifty. He cooks and do the housework. We can’t find women who can’t do the housework. It is normal for young Denmark people. It was different in my parents’ generation (my dad was rare that he could do the housework). I think it is a little bit easy work for me because I don’t have any kids.
社会に対して思うことWhat you think about the society
地球温暖化などC02に対して何もしていないThey’re not solving problems of global warming.
生まれ変わったら男と女どちらにまたその理由If you were to be born again, do you want be a boy or a girl? And why so?
わからない。I don’t know.
今の自分とか状況に不満はないかDo you have any complain about your current life?
不満とかは考えてない、いつも動いている。I don’t think about complaints. Always moving forward.
女性ということに不満はないかDo you have any complaints being a woman?
ない 良かったと思っている。No. I think I was lucky to be born as a woman.