独 Independence

Pornpimol Boonlek (age:25)

Pornpimol Boonlek (age:25)
初めてのオンラインでのHITOMOJI PROJECT-women-を、タイに住んでいるBeaに頼んだ。以前、タイのバンコクで揮毫した時に、宿泊していたホテルのスタッフがBeaだった。Beaは、毎朝美味しいコーヒーを笑顔で運んでくれた。大きな筆をホテルの屋上で一緒に洗ったりもして、本当に助けてもらった。Beaのその後の人生や、コロナ禍でどの様に過ごしているのかを知りたいと思い、Facebookのメッセンジャーでお願いをしたら、快く引き受けてくれた。
今回、初めてオンラインでの実施、そしてNHK WORLDさんの撮影もあり、不安しかない状態だった。
オンラインで実施するために、今までの方法を変えなければならなかった。現地では実際に本人が文字の一部になり、墨で書いた部分と合わせて完成した文字の写真を撮影できるが、コロナ禍では現地に行けない。そこで、本人が文字の一部になった写真を現地で撮影し、その写真をメールで送ってもらいプリントアウトしたものに私が残りの文字を書いて完成させることにした。 Beaの送ってきた写真は、私が想像もしてなかった様な背景で植物が生い茂っている前にBeaが立ってポーズをしていた。現地に行かなくともその国のその人が住んでいる場所の雰囲気が漂うものが背景にあり、新しい方法を試してみた甲斐があったと思った。写真の上に書くのは、墨だけでなく箔も使用し、今回オンラインの作品が初めて完成した。
I asked Bea, who lives in Thailand, to be the first participant to go online for the HITOMOJI PROJECT-women-. Bea was a hotel staff where I stayed during working on writings in Bangkok. She brought me delicious coffee with smile every morning. She helped me a lot, like washing a huge brush on the rooftop of the hotel. I wanted to know her current life and how she had been living in Covid pandemic, so I offered this project through Facebook messenger. And she happily accepted my offer.
In the interview, I learned that in Thailand most of the children from countryside live separately from their parents, and women work harder than men. The most impressive words from Bae was, “I want to succeed in my work. I want to have stable income and job, so when I get old and don’t have child, I can take care of my life and myself. That is my goal.””I send money for my mother and grandmother. It is very natural and common in Thailand to do so.” And then she said again in the interview that she wants to take care of herself. The letter she chose was “独” independence.
I learned through the interview that Bea’s kindness was because of her mental and material independence. I would love to see her realize her dream of creating her own music and art school in the future.
Bea also told me her view about LGBTQ “ I think times have changed. The days of limiting people by gender are over. It is not just about gender, it is about providing that people of another gender can
do all kinds of things just the same as men and women. After the interview I got interested how Thailand, the country where Bae lives, will change in the future.
It was my first time to do the HItomoji project online, and to be filmed by NHK WORLD, so I was very anxious.
In order to conduct the project online, we had to change the method we had used in the past. On site, we could actually become a part of the characters along with the linked parts, but with the COVID pandemic, we could not go to Thailand. So I decided to ask her to take a photo of herself as a part of the letters, send the photo to me via email, and print it out and I would write the rest of the letter on it. The photo Bea sent me had be a standing and posing in front of a bush. Even though you are not there, the background had the atmosphere of the place where that person lives, and I thought it was worth trying a new method. I used not only black ink, but foil to write on the photo, and this was the first time I had completed on online piece.
Thanks to Daisuke Nishiyama of Nishiyama Jisaku Shoten for allowing me to learn about foil by attending his workshop and experimenting with me until the completion of my 、work. And thank you to Ms. Misuzu Hanawa, our interpreter, to Mr. Yasuharu Nishio of Gekiuma! Thai Restaurant for introducing us to Ms. Misuzu.
名前 Name
Pornpimol Boonlek (ポーンピンモル ブーンレック)
ニックネームBEA タイ人は生まれたと同時に親が本名とニックネームをつける
Pornpimol Boonlel
Nickname Bea. Thai people get their nickname by their parents when they are born.
生まれた国 今住んでいる国Birth place and current place you live
ラーチャブリー県 スンフン市で生まれて、今は友達と共にラッチュンシャオ県にいる
I was born in Thailand and still live in Thailand.
Rachaburi Prefecture, Sunhun-City. Now I live in Chachoengsao Prefecture.
家族構成Family structure
実家の家族構成(生まれたとき) 祖母(母方の)、父母(出稼ぎで違う県にいて仕送りのみ一緒に暮らしていない、年に数回会いに来てくれた)、姉二人。
バンコクでは、一緒に住む場合が多いが、富裕層中間層はお手伝いさんがいて子育ての手伝いをするI live with my classmate from High school. My family(when I was born) Grandmother(my mom’s side), parents(lived away from home and sent money for us, came back home few times a year), and two older sisters.
My grandmother and two older sisters and me lived together. (Raised by grandmother)
My parents got divorced when I was in 4th Grade.
※ In Thai culture, the ratio of women entering a man’s home and men entering a woman’s home at marriage is about 50%. In Thailand, in rural areas, it is common for children to be raised by their grandparents and relatives, rather than by their mother and father. In Bangkok, they often live together, but the wealthy middle class have nanny to help them raise their children.
特技や趣味Skills and hobbies
趣味 美術、スポーツ、音楽
特技 音楽 フルート、クラリネット、ピアノ、 粘土を使って物を作ること
一時期実家に帰ってきていた母から遠くに行きたいと思って、近所の人に相談したら奨学金のことを教えてもらって、奨学金のためにどのような高校かわからないまま受けた。Hobby: Art, sports, music
Skill: Music(Flute, Clarinet, Piano), creating clay art
I learned music in High school in Bangkok. I got scholar ship and went to a famous boarding school in Thailand. I wanted move away from my mother who came back temporally and stayed home, I asked my neighbour and this person told me about scholar ship. I took the entrance exam just for the scholar ship, I didn’t know what kind of school it was.
好きな食べ物Favorite food
タイラーメン(コイッティヤオ)、ソーセージ、肉団子Thai noodle(Kuai-tiao), sausages, and meat balls
今欲しいものThings what you want now
新しいスマートホンが欲しい。特に社会人になってからは仕事や私生活で必要。I want a new smart phone. Especially now that I am working I need it for my work and private live.
その時、友人から音楽の先生の声がかかった。I teach piano and Ukulele to kids(3 to 10 years old) everyday at the KPN music school in the nearby province Prachinburi. I chose this job because I like music. I first started music when I was in high school and went to a music university, but I left school and didn’t graduate. Later I graduated from a junior collage of marketing and then worked part-time at a hotel for a short time. When the COVID pandemic started I had to quit the job at hotel. I joined a program to teach in rural areas for people who had lost their jobs or income due to COVID, and I taught music to 4th, 5th, and 6th graders for three month. I was teaching music of the country and for formal occasions. Then friend of mine approached me to be a music teacher.
将来は自分の音楽と美術の学校を作りたい。他の塾の合間に通う生徒が多いのがわかったので、美術も一緒にするとビジネスになると思った。自分は子供と接するのも好きだから。経験を積んでいきたい。経営や運営を見て学んでいる。I want to succeed in my career. I have a goal to have a stable income and job so that when I get older I can take care of myself and my life even without having children. Due to COVID, the number of students fluctuates and sometimes the school os closed, so I am not a full time employee at the moment and I am worried. KPN Music School is one of the most famous schools in Thailand, but I am worried that the number of students will decrease and the school will close some day.
I am working as a freelancer now because the full-time position is full. In the future I want to establish my own music and are school. I found that there are many students who go to the school in between other cram schools, so I thought it would be a good business if I combine art and music. I also like to interact with children. I want to build experience now. I am also learning management and how to operate.
幸せと感じることTime when you feel happiness
姉の子供と一緒に過ごす時、旅行に行くこと(今はタイ国内で感染者数が増えているので旅行はいけない。)When I spend time with my older sister’s child, and traveling. (Now I can’t travel because number of COVID is increasing in Thailand.)
コロナ禍でどのように過ごしているかHow do you spend time during COVID?
コロナで何もできていない。コロナの前は友達と飲みに行ったり、友達と企画して旅行に行ったり、一人旅をしていた。After I wake up in the morning I get prepared for work, go to work, after work I get back home straightforward. I can’t do anything because of COVID. Before COVID pandemic, I used to go to drink with my friend, plan a trip with friend, or traveled alone.
ストレスを感じることTimes when you feel stressed
三ヶ月間の使用期間の後は正社員になるが、コロナのせいで打ち切りになってしまうことが多くなった。The most stressful thing is to lose job. Because life goes on. I sometimes fell stress about my job. After three month of trial period I can become a full-time employee, but because of COVID it ends before that.
仕事での男女格差はあるかAre there gender difference at work?
バンコクで結婚した夫婦に子供ができたら、田舎に母親(祖母)が住んでいるならそこで子供を育ててもらうのが一般的。No. There is no difference in income neither. It is common that women work more. I get income for myself and take care of myself. If a couple who works in Bangkok have a child, it is common to ask their mother(or grand mother) who lives in rural area to take care of their child.
リラックスする時間Relaxing time
茹で卵と茹でサラダなどは作る。In the weekend, I start my morning slowly and have a healthy breakfast, exercise a little, in the afternoon I rest and create an art piece or draw, in the evening I go for a walk with my dog and relax. I make boiled egg and boiled salad.
タイの女性は料理をするのかDo Thai women cook?
ほとんどの女性は料理をする。仕事していると時間短縮のために外で買って食べることも増えてきた。Most of the women cook. But because I am working, I have more take outs for time reduction.
生活の中でこうだったらいいなと思うことThings you wish it was like this in your life
午前中のアポイントは遅れてしまうこともあるから、今は自分も変えようとしている。I don’t think anything is related to my surroundings, but I wish I were more active so that the result would be different. For example, if I have something scheduled for the afternoon, I usually don’t do anything until that time because the morning time appointments tend to delay, now I want to change that.
尊敬する人とその理由A person who you respect and the reason why
Family, mostly my grand mother.
Reason, she raised me. The way she thinks. If you want something, you have to make by yourself. Grow your plant, harvest the fruits and cook it. I admire her as an idol. Living with her, I learned to be good and not to bother anybody else or family. In Thai culture you have to be a good child and be good to parents. Parent action is that when they are ill, you have to take care. When you live away, you have to send money. When they get old, you have to visit them regularly. I send money to my grand mother and my mother. In Thailand it is very general.
社会に対して思うことWhat you think about the society
バンコクの満員電車で足を踏んでしまってそこで大声で叫ばれたことがびっくりした。このようなことが精神的に苦痛だった。There is a poor specification between Bangkok and rural areas.Bangkok is a competitive society and in the rural areas time passes slowly and I feel more rich. I hate to spend time commuting, so Bangkok is not an option. When I lived in Bangkok, once I stepped on someone’s feet in the crowded train, this person yelled at me. I got really scared and it was emotionally painful.
生まれ変わったら男と女どちらにまたその理由If you were to be born again, do you want be a man or a woman? And why so?
労働力、仕事の面でも力になる。I want to be a woman again. I got used be a woman now, I don’t know what to do if I become a man. If I don’t have any memory of this life, I want to be a man. I think man can do things freely. No bra, and no period. In terms of job, man can become labor.
お付き合いしている人はいますか?Is there anybody you are seeing now?
今は曖昧な関係の人はいるけど、先はどうなるかわからないけどコミュニケーションをしている。付き合うことに関して急いでいない。There is someone but not in a committed relationship. I am not sure how we are going to be, but we see each other. I’m not in a rush to have someone to be my partner.
タイはLGBTの人々について寛容だと思いますが、どう思いますか?I think Thai people are tolerant for LGBTQ, what do you think?
インターネットアイドル、S N Sで取り上げられている人がたくさんいる。I just think time had changed. The time to limit people by gender has ended. Not only their gender difference, but it has proven that different gender can do the same as the other gender. I admire LGBTQ people, because they are very clear on their position and their opinion. They are very clear about their intentions, they have their special skills and characteristics. And they don’t bother anybody. There are my LGBTQs who are idol in internet and famous in the social media.
LGBTQに対しての世代ギャップはありますか?Is there a generation gap for LGBTQ?
一世代前だったら打ち明けることができなかったけれど、今の自分の年代は一般的。自分の両親世代もオープンになってきているので、親に打ち明けること、誰かに打ち明けることができて、普通に自分でいられる。A generation ago, people could not come out, but in our generation it is very common, My parents' generation is open now, so it is easy to speak up to someone and stay as who you are.