自 Freedom

Lam Ho Yan (age:25)
Place:Taiwan, New Taipei City

Lam Ho Yan (age:25)
Place:Taiwan, New Taipei City
I asked Ms Rinko, a Chinese translator to find a woman who lives in Hong kong. Soon she messaged me “How about a woman in her twenties who moved from Hong Kong to Taiwan?”. I got interested in why she had moved, so I asked to have an interview with that lady.
As I started interview with Ms Lin, I was worried that there might be so many things that Ms Lin won’t be able to answer. Before the interview, I told her that she did’t need to answer if she feels uncomfortable. But actually, I was surprised because she talked to me openly. She laughed and said, “You’re lucky for choosing me for the interview! Because I answer anything and talk openly and honestly even to a person I meet for the first time.” That made me relieved.
She moved from Hong Kong to Taiwan for main reason of political issues like National Security Law. But now she had decided to move to Canada in the future. She wants her overprotective parents to let her go. She is seeking an independent life in Canada that has a free atmosphere, therefore she’s saving money and studying English.
The word she chose was “ Freedom”.
“My friends say that I’m aiming freedom, and I’m always thinking about freedom round and round, so the word of Freedom fits me well.” After the interview, I participated in the online English class that Ms Lin is hosting. She is really friendly, and as she herself said, she attends openly and equally to anyone. The photo of the work she sent me is just like herself, and I can see “freedom” in it.
The most impressive part was when I asked about what she feels about the society. She said “I want to say, let’s live in peace.” She sounded casually, but I felt that it was a strong phrase that made her to leave her motherland.
Lam Ho Yan
香港での発音読み 漢字では林浩恩(今回はリンさんと呼ぶことになった)
ニックネームはWild catLam Ho Yan (Here I will call her Lin)
Nickname - Wild cat
生まれた国 今住んでいる国Birthplace, and the country where you live now
Born and raised in Hong Kong. And now live in New Taipei City (next to Taipei City).
Moved in September 16th, 2020.
Because of the political situation of Hong Kong.
My mom is Taiwanese so we were thinking about evacuating to Taiwan for a while, but we had to move earlier than we were planning because of political instability in Hong Kong.
We didn’t prepare applications for months, but didn’t think that we could emigrate.
Got health insurance in six months, and I’m getting identification of Taiwan soon, so I’ll be able to go to elections.
2020年7月の国家安全維持法もあり急いで引っ越したのかDid you hurry to move because of the National Security Law pass in July 2020?
国家安全維持法の前に、台湾に来た香港のカップルの女性が他の人の子供を妊娠しているのを、男性が知って女性を殺した事件があって、男性が香港に帰った後に台湾で起きたことに関して台湾に送還して法で裁くことができなかった。この事件がきっかけとなり、国家安全維持法が推進された。この事件のもう少し前から移住を考えていた。Before the National Security Law, there was a murder case of a couple from Hong Kong who came to Taiwan. A man killed his girlfriend who got pregnant with another man. After the man went back to Hong Kong, there were no laws to bring him to justice in Taiwan. This incident promoted the National Security Law. We were thinking about emigration before that incident, though.
雨傘運動に参加していた知人はいたのかAre there any friends who had participated in Umbrella Movement?
1980,1990年代生まれの友人は何人か参加していた。選挙をして自分たちの首相を決めたいというのが運動の原因としてあって、香港では中国の政府の人たちが決める方向であるのでその様な運動があった。Some friends who were born in 1980’s and 1990’s participated. In Hong Kong, Chinese politicians selected the prime ministers, but people who wanted to elect their own prime ministers participated in the movement.
なぜ香港から台湾に引っ越ししてきたかWhy did you move from Hongkong to Taiwan?
方法は2つあって、1つは学生として台湾に来ること、3〜5年学生をしながらアルバイトをして5年経ったら身分が取得できる。香港に100万香港ドル(1500万円ぐらい)あれば、それを持って台湾で小さな商店を開けば1年ぐらいすれば身分が取得できる。At the beggining there were no choice for me to emigrate to Taiwan. I knew the movement about the National Security Law, but I thought I would stay and work in Hong Kong. I had another plan to move to Canada. When Hong Kong was politically confused, I had a fight with my friend, and so that I couldn’t think about emigrating to Taiwan with my parents. To make my parents and relatives relieve, I pretended to agree to their plan, and thought that would be good to refresh the environment to come to Taiwan first.
My mom is Taiwanese so she can live in Taiwan, but she got married and moved to Hong Kong. She has family registration in both Taiwan and Hong Kong. My dad and I don’t have the registration, but we could come to Taiwan because of my mom. Comparing to the others, we didn’t have to pay much.
There are two ways to enter Taiwan. One is to come to Taiwan as a student. We can get identification by working for three to five years as a student. The second way is, if you have one million HK dollars, bring it to Taiwan and open a small store. Then in a year, you can get the identification.
家族構成Family structure
香港 父 母 自分(一人っ子)
台湾 母方の祖父、メイドさん、自分の3人で暮らしていた。父と母がその後に来て5人で暮らしていた。
その後今年の7月8月に自分たちの借りられる家を見つけたので、また三人の暮らしに戻りました。In Hong Kong Father, mother, me (the only child)
In Taiwan Maternal grandfather, maid, and me. My parents came later and the 5 of us lived together.
And in July 8th in this year, we found a house and now we there live as a family of 3 now.
ご両親は香港での仕事を辞めて新しく台湾で仕事をしているのかDid your parents quit a job and get a new job in Taiwan?
母は元々結婚するために香港に行った時点で専業主婦だったので仕事をしていない。父は自分が生まれる前から香港の地下鉄MTRの車掌さんをしていて、あと2年で定年退職する予定だったけれど移民の話が出たので早めに退職して、台湾で旅行しながら生活すると言っていた。My mom was a housewife so she doesn’t have a job. My dad had been working as a conductor of Hong Kong subway MTR since before I was born, and he had two more years for retirement, but as we were supposed to emigrate, he has retired early, and he says that he will travel around Taiwan.
特技や趣味Special skills and hobbies
Special skills
I don’t know if I can call it a skill, but to help the others. If there is anyone who’s in trouble or who needs help, I’ll do everything I can.
In Hongkong, I like to play the piano and guitar, and also like to go to Disneyland. Window shopping with friends. Watching movies and eating out. I’m still searching for hobbies in Taiwan.
香港の映画に政治的な規制がかかるとニュースで見ましたが、どう思いますか?What do you think about political regulation on Hong Kong movies?
法律としては悲しいと思うけれど、元々2000年ぐらいから香港の映画を見なくなった。今は台湾にいるので香港の映画業界は自分にはあまり関係がない、Netflixとか見ることができるから自分には影響がない。I think it’s sad as a law, but I’m not watching Hong Kong movies since 2000, and now I can watch Netflix, so it doesn’t bother me.
好きな食べ物Favorite food
(お寿司はジャンクフードなのかと聞くと、両親がお寿司は生の魚だから寄生虫とかがいるのでジャンクフードだと言っていたので、と)I like junk food. Hamburger, pizza, sushi, and pasta.
(I asked her if sushi is junk food, then she answered that her parents said sushi is raw fish with parasites, so it is junk food.)
今欲しいものThings you want to do now
他の仕事で言うと、デザイン、広告業、結婚のコーディネーター、事務、アシスタントなども大丈夫。最近就職活動を再開した。Job. To meet friends in Hong Kong. Want to emigrate to Canada.
Actually, I’ve never worked as a full-time employee. In Hong Kong, there were many hospitality industries, and I was working as part time.
McDonald’s, Genki Sushi, hotel reception, Disneyland shop, and restaurant.
My major was travel industry and airlift science during the first and the second year, and global travel industry and airlift during the third and last year.
In Taiwan, I want work at hotel industry. I want to feel to be annoyed by customers every day. But it’s been difficult for hotel industries since the Covid-19, I’m also checking another jobs.
Design, advertising, wedding coordinator, office work, assistant. These are ok. I’m currently seeking employment.
なぜカナダに行きたいのかWhy do you want to go to Canada?
バンクーバーに住んでいるので移民するならバンクーバーにいきたい。自分は一人っ子だからなのか、両親が小さい頃から厳しく管理してくるので、その環境から抜け出して自由と言うものに憧れます。カナダに行くための資金が足りてなくて、まだ自立する力がないのでまだ今は家にいて両親と住んでいる。今は香港人に対してカナダ政府が3年の居留権をオープンにして取得できるようになったので、早めに行った方がいい。結婚して嫁ぐなど遅かれ早かれ親からは離れると思うので、自分で行ってみたい。My uncle, aunt, two cousins live there. I’ve been there when I was a kid, and I liked the environment, and felt free and relaxed.
They live in Vancouver, so I want to live in Vancouver. Because I am the only child, my parents controlled me strictly, so I want to get out of the environment and yearn for the freedom. But I don’t have enough money to go to Canada yet, and I still can not stand on my own, so I live with my parents. Now Canadian government is opening three years of residence permit, so I better hurry. I’ll be independent from my parents soon or later, so I want to go there by myself.
身近な人の香港に残る人と移住する人の割合はどのくらいかWhat is the percentage of people who remain in Hong Kong and people who emigrate around you ?
以前は香港で働いてお金を貯めてカナダに行こうと思っていた。People who want to emigrate 70%. People who remain in Hong Kong 30%.
I think 90% of them are considering.
I used to think to go to Canada by saving money working in Hong Kong.
台湾に引っ越してきて大変なことはあるかAny difficulties since moved to Taiwan?
両親も退職金だけで暮らしているのでお金が出ていくだけで入ってこない上に、車を買ったり家を借りたりしているのでたまにお金の面で文句を言われることがある。香港では自分が生まれる前に家を買っていたが、台湾では家賃が発生している。また、父が地下鉄で働いていたので地下鉄が無料だったが台湾ではそれがない。香港ではお金の問題が出てこなかった。Salary in Taiwan is lower than in Hongkong. It was much less than I expected. The first salary I earned as a full-time employee in Taiwan was 2400 yuan.
My parents live with retirement money so they don’t have any income but money just go out. Like buying a car, renting a house, and so on. Sometimes they complain about the money. In Hong Kong, they bought a house before I was born, but in Taiwan, we have to pay the rent. And also, in Hong Kong, we could get the subway for free because my dad worked for the subway, but now in Taiwan, we don’t have that benefit. We didn’t have any money problems in Hong Kong.
引っ越してきて家族関係は変わったかDid the relationship between the family has changed since you moved?
車を買ったことでリラックスできる様になった。衝突の回数自体は変わってないけれど解決できる方法が身についた様に思う。Relationship between my parents and me changed better. My dad and I were born and raised in Hong Kong, and my mom came from Taiwan, so there were sometimes domestic troubles between us.
Since we moved to Taiwan, and lived with my grandfather, quarrels disappeared.
As we bought a car, now we are able to relax. We still conflict sometimes, but now we know how to solve the problems.
台湾の近所の人々やコミュニティー、関わる人たちとの関係はどうかHow’s the relationship between neighbors, communities, and people who interact with you?
香港の人は自己保護意識が高く、自分を守って生きている感じがあった。遅刻してきて早く帰るみたいな人が割と多く、友人と喧嘩することもあった。台湾でも同じ様な人はいるが、友達を選ぶようになった。台湾に来た時に山に登るグループがあったけれど結局大きくなりすぎて、リスペクトできない人もいるけれど香港にいる時ほど気にしなくなったので、嫌なことがあっても争い事にはならずに、違う道をいくと言うふうにできるようになった。幼稚な自分ではなくなったと思う。People in Hong Kong are highly conscious of self-protection. There are lots of people like who come late and go home early, so I usually fought with friends. There’re also similar people in Taiwan but now I choose my friends. When I came to Taiwan, there was a climbing group, but the group became very big, and there were some people who I could not respect. But I didn’t care about that so much since I moved to Taiwan, and I don’t argue even if I feel bad. I think I’m mature now.
香港と台湾の環境の違いはあるかIs there any environmental differences between Taiwan and Hong Kong?
ゴミの分別が台湾の方が大変。There were two shopping malls under the apartment I lived in Hong Kong and was very convenient. There was a bus stop in front the house and very convenient. The subway station was only one minute from my house. Now I walk a lot in Taiwan. Have to go far to buy something we need. I get used to go out since we bought a car.
Garbage separation is too complicated in Taiwan.
台湾と香港は同じ漢字かDo you use the same Chinese characters in Hong Kong and Taiwan?
今は中国の簡体文字は使わないぞという風潮があり、逆にもっと繁体文字を使おうという感じ。We use the same traditional Chinese characters in Hong Kong and Taiwan. But it takes time, so I used to write simplified Chinese that examiners can read.
But now it is a trend not to use Chinese simplified characters, so we are using more traditional Chinese characters.
目標は、24時間のグラフのEnglish Practice Timeと何かリンクしているのか?Does the 24 hours graph of English Practice Time link to your goals?
大学時代は英単語を多く知っていたほうだったけれど、今は英語で話す時も簡単な単語しか使わないので、知っている単語を使う時がないし使い方がわからないので練習してみたい。カナダ政府が移民に対すIELTSという英語のテストがあって、良い点数が取れる様に勉強をしている。It links to my goals.
I knew lots of vocabularies when I was in university, but now I only use simple words when I speak English. I want to practice more. Canadian government provides English exam called IELTS for emigrants, so I’m studying to get a good score.
信仰している宗教は何What’s your religion?
キリスト教。父が最初に信仰した。小学生の時に母と教会に行き信仰しようと決めた。そこからクリスチャンです。台湾では自分が行く若い教会はあるが、両親が行く様な教会を探したい。両親は香港の友達とオンラインでしたり、日曜礼拝も香港のものをインターネットで見ている。Christianity. My dad was baptized first. I decided to be baptized when I went to the church with my mom , when I was in elementary school. Since then, I’m a Christian. In Taiwan, there’s a church for people young like me, but no church for my parents. My parents attend Sunday worship online with their friends in Hongkong.
家族の中で誰が一番初めに移民しようと言い出したか。Who was the first one to suggested for emigration amongst your family?
同時にいろんなことが起きた。デモの若者に暴力を振るう事件があった。もともと母が台湾人なので台湾に来るとしたら割と簡単に来れるという話も出ていた。Mom. My mom’s brother and grandfather suggested to emigrate. And my dad agreed so we decided.
So many incidents occurred at the same time. There were violence against young people who participated in demonstrations. My mom is Taiwanese, so we were considering that it would be easy for us to emigrate to Taiwan.
幸せと感じることTimes when you feel happiness
小さい頃から温室の花みたいに育てられた。両親も過保護なので、今はこんな生活をしているが将来的にはカナダに行きたいという計画がある。いずれは独立しなければならないと思っている。本当は台湾に来たら正社員になって独立できるような生活を描いていたが計画がかわった。過渡期に資金を使ってしまったし、緊急事態宣言などもあり、自分だけで生活することができない状態だが、まだその気持ちはある。That I can live with my parents. I’m glad that I’m still single and not married. I’m free to go where I want to go.
I felt that I’m loved by my parents when they let me stay at home except going to work under the statement of emergency declaration due to Covid. Let me live using their retirement money. I can behave like a spoilt child. I feel that I’m happy.
I was a girl protected with too much care. My parents are overprotective, but I have a plan to move to Canada in the future. Eventually I have to stand by my own. Actually I was planning to become independent from my parents by being a full-time employee in Taiwan, but I had to go for plan B. We spent lots of money in transitional period, and due to the statement of the emergency declaration, it’s been impossible to live by my own.
But I haven’t given up yet.
ストレスを感じることTimes when you feel stressed
コロナが原因なのか、自分の身分が原因なのか、香港の大学の学歴で見つかる仕事がまだよくわかっていない。聞いた話によると、香港人が台湾に移住してきて2年ぐらい経たないとやりたいと思える正社員の仕事が見つからないらしい。もしかしたら身分証明書を持ってないことも関係しているのかもしれない。Money-wise. When I was in Hong Kong, I was not rich, but had enough money for what I wanted to do. When I was in Hong Kong, I could give an allowance to my parents from the money I saved from my part-time-job. When I came to Taiwan, my parents gave me a hundred thousand yuan, but I spent it to set up a new life, and also the salary was not that good. I was going to give an allowance to my parents from my first salary, but they told me to worry about myself, and save that money. I feel stressed when I think that I’m not fulfilling my responsibility to support my parents that I could do back in Hong Kong. I ate a lot to reduce my stress, and used money for that. I have to spend my parents money and that is stressful too.
I don’t know if it’s because of COVID or my background, I don’t know what kind of job I can get with my academic history. I heard that Hong Kong people can find the desired full-time job after two years living in Taiwan. Maybe it is because I don’t have the identification yet.
リラックスする時間Relaxing time
コロナが始まってから大学の論文を書き直さなければならなかったこと以外では、リラックスできる時間が増えた。ドラマや映画を見る時間ができた。賛美歌を歌う時間も取れるようになった。朝の時間にも余裕があるのでゆっくりとした生活になった。Due to COVID, I have more time for relax, except for rewriting my thesis. I have time to watch movies and TV series. I have time for singing hymns. I have enough time in the morning so my life’s been more relaxing now.
生活の中でこうだったらいいなと思うことThings you wish it was like this in your life
両親とのコニュニケーションを改善したい。言いたいことは言っているが、立場ややりたいことなど自分の意思表明をできるようになりたい。来年の4月に香港で友人の結婚式があるが、行くことを両親が心配している。両親に手放して独立させてもらいたい。 I want to improve my communication skills. I express all my feelings. I also listen to my friends, but once I start talking, I don’t give them a chance to respond. I have too many things to say.
I want to improve communication skill with my parents. I say what I want to say, but I want to express my intentions about what I want to do. There’s my friend’s wedding ceremony next April in Hong Kong, but my parents are worried about me to go. I want them to let go of me.
両親が子離れできていないと思うかDo you think that your parents are overprotective?
今はいろんなことがオンラインに移動したので、そのセッティングしたり、両親ができないことを私がしているので離れられない。両親も友達に子供を手放した方がいいよと言われているけれど体が子離れできないと言っていた。私の前に一度流産をしているので、念願の子供が出にはいったという両親の気持ちもわからないでもないなと思う。Many things had moved online nowadays, so I do all the settings for my parents. I have to help doing things what they can’t do, so I can’t leave them. Friends of my parents say that they should let me go, and they know it in their heads, but can’t keep it up to the hearts. They have suffered miscarriage before I was born, therefore I understand their feelings to cherish me.
尊敬する人とその理由A person who you respect and the reason why
子供の頃に一人いた。教会の中にいたお姉ちゃん。賛美歌をリードしていたワーシップリーダーの一人で、その人が歌うと神様が一緒にいるようなことを感じられてその人自体が輝いて見えた。この人みたいに私もなれたらいいなと思っていた。今は尊敬している人はいない。There was a one when I was a kid. A girl who was coming to church. She was one of the worship leaders. When she sang, I could feel that God was with her, and it seemed like she was glowing. I wished I could be like her. But now there’s no one I respect.
社会に対して思うことWhat you think about the society
平和に暮らそうよって言いたい。I want to say “let’s live in peace.”
香港に住んでいる時と台湾にいる時と思うことは変わったか。Have your thoughts changed since you moved to Taiwan from Hong Kong?
香港は慣れている。冒険心が旺盛でいろんなことにチャレンジする性格なので、なりふりかまわずなんでもズバズバ言っちゃう性格だったけれど、台湾の人は香港の人に比べて少し内向的で傷つきやすいイメージが香港人よりあるので、自分が間違ったことを言ってないか傷つけていないかを考えるようになった。I’m used to be Hong Kong. I have a great apatite for adventure and am challenging person, and have sharp tongue, but I think Taiwanese are more naive and introverted, so now I think carefully before I say something not to hurt people.
生まれ変わったら男と女どちらにまたその理由If you were to be born again, do you want be a boy or a girl? And why so?
生理的なもの以外に女は良い点がいっぱいある。思いやり、母性、愛が多いような気がする。感受性も豊か。甘えられる(男だったら甘えたら気色悪い)。仕事でも守られている。I wonder why I’m a woman during my period, but I want to be a woman again if I were to be born again. Except for my period, there are lots of good things to be a woman. We are full of warmth, maternity, and love. And very sensitive. We can depend on someone (if men depend on someone, that’s creepy). We are protected in terms of jobs too.
男女の格差を生活の中で感じますか?Do you feel gender gap in your life?
台湾と香港どちらも男女差別はあまりない。比べるとすると、台湾の方が少しある気がする。家庭に入っても自分の両親の話を聞かなければいけない。買い物につきあうなど姑に奉仕しなければならない。香港の女性は台湾より強くて意思表示がある。嫌なことは嫌だと言う。姑や両親に向かっても、私の家計なので私のやりたいようにしますと言える。台湾では女性は独立しきれていないのかなという印象を受けた。In Hong Kong, women carry heavy stuff by yourselves. Men don’t help if we ask for help. But in Taiwan, men are gentle and offer help if I’m carrying heavy stuff.
There is no gender gap in both Hong Kong and Taiwan. But if I compare, maybe there’s a little in Taiwan. Women have to listen to parents even though they got married. Have to serve mother-in-law like going shopping together. Hong Kong women are strong and make their intentions clear. They say no if they don’t like. They can say to parents or mother-in-law that I’m doing what I want to do because this is my own home. I have an impression that Taiwan women are not completely independent.
香港に一人で住んでいたとして、どうにかして香港を出ようと思ったかSay you were living alone in Hong Kong, do you think you have tried to get out of Hong Kong somehow?
もしも一人で香港に住んでいたとしたら、しばらく仕事をしてカナダやアメリカに行きたいなと思う。もともと西洋文化が好きだし、香港にいるとコントロールされる感(上司から言われたことは絶対)がある。香港だと答えは一つしかないという文化だが、カナダやアメリカならば、回答がいくつもありクリエイティブになれるし、自分の意思表示がはっきりできて上司とも意見を言い合えて、アイデアを出してディスカッションできるそういう自由なところに憧れる。一番行きたいところはカナダのバンクーバー。If I were alone in Hong Kong, work for a while and then want to go to Canada or America. I like western cultures in the first place. In Hong Kong, I feel we’re controlled ( what boss says is absolute). Hong Kong culture demands only one answer, but in Canada or America, they accept lots of answers, therefore they can be more creative. They can indicate their intentions and discuss with their boss and share ideas, and so on. I admire such free atmosphere. The place I want to go most is Vancouver.