


本展は、KG+2020 KYOTOGRAPHIE 京都国際写真展 SATELLITE EVENT公式プログラムになります。

毎年春に行われるKYOTOGRAPHIE 京都国際写真展。今年は新型コロナウィルス感染拡大の影響で延期となり、この時期の開催となりました。まだまだ予断を許さない状況ではございますが、作品を展示させていただきたいと思います。

川尾 朋子、池田 航成|Tomoko Kawao, Kousei Ikeda
会場|Bijuu Gallery
会期|10/13-18 Open everyday
協力|Support: NISSHA株式会社、株式会社クレッセント|Nissha Co., Ltd. , Crescent,inc.
住所|〒600-8019京都市下京区船頭町194 村上重ビル B1
B1 Murakamijuu Bld, 194 Sendo-cho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto


“Traces” is a visual expression of the act of sho (Japanese calligraphy) and its traces, born from a dialog between calligrapher Tomoko Kawao and the programmer Kousei Ikeda.
One of the key aspects of a calligrapher’s training is rinsho: the replication of historic works by masters of the art. This is not simply a copying of a previous work, but a retracing of the movements of the body and flow of the brush used to create these masterpieces. (Kawao’s ‘Correlation’ Series traced movement of the brush through space with drips of ink manifest on the canvas.) In other words, the calligrapher is privy to vector data laid down centuries ago.
As a record of the movement of the brush uninterrupted from beginning to end, this work is the physical representation of the body as creator of a calligraphic character. Here ‘movement’ refers to location, angle, speed, angular velocity, as well as the rhythms and fluctuations created through the connections and continuity between all of these elements. ​
This work is an expression of aesthetic beauty- the singular beauty of the movement of calligraphic artist Tomoko Kawao, manifest in three dimensions through the vision of Kousei Ikeda.