Kawao Tomoko
Calligrapher Began calligraphy at the age of six.
Has won a large number of domestic and international competitions ever since. In 2004, studied under the well-known artist, calligrapher Sho-Shu, and truly realized the unfathomable depth of the way of calligraphy while finding that it was the very drive of her own to live on.
The days of practicing imitations of ancient Chinese works led her to "Ko-Oh", or "Call and Response", her own series of works. With the original series, she aims to make what’s invisible visible, as in the empty space between two dots, there is a trajectory of the brush in the air only imaginative ones can see.
She explores this "Ko-Oh" theme with her live performances and workshops as well. Also, as her "Calligraphy in everyday life" activity, she undertakes the wide variety of calligraphic projects in numerous fields and media, including the signage of the Arashiyama train station of Hankyu-Arashiyama line, name tablets for temples and shrines, compositions and sumi expressions for newspapers, TV and radio programs, fashion and interior products, and so forth, and highly praised.
Born in Hyogo prefecture. Currently lives in Kyoto.
BA from Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts.
第二十五回読売紙上展中央審査 最優秀賞受賞
第二回傳山国際書法展 (中国) 山西民族博物館賞受賞
第三回傳山国際書法展(中国) 山西民族博物館賞受賞
傅山生誕400周年精鋭作家国際書法展 招待出品
第三回黒龍江國際文化芸術の冬 芸術作品展 銀賞
第一回顔真卿書法臨帖展(中国) 特選受賞
第二回顔真卿書法臨帖展(中国) 特選受賞
第三回顔真卿書法臨帖展(中国) 特選受賞
第二回傳山国際書法展 (中国) 山西民族博物館賞受賞
第三回傳山国際書法展(中国) 山西民族博物館賞受賞
傅山生誕400周年精鋭作家国際書法展 招待出品
第三回黒龍江國際文化芸術の冬 芸術作品展 銀賞
第一回顔真卿書法臨帖展(中国) 特選受賞
第二回顔真卿書法臨帖展(中国) 特選受賞
第三回顔真卿書法臨帖展(中国) 特選受賞