現在、Her Brush(女史)という17-20世紀の日本女性の絵画、書、陶器などを集めたFong-Johnstoneコレクションの展覧会を開催中で、その一環として書かせていただきます。また、展覧会の題字、キャプションも書かせていただいてます。

Calligraphy Performance with Artist Tomoko Kawao
March 21, 2023 – 6 pm–7 pm
Join Kyoto-based artist Tomoko Kawao for a public performance of her internationally acclaimed calligraphy process. The immersive performance will take place within the multi-level Creative Hub on the first floor of the Martin Building. Following the event, visitors are invited to explore Her Brush: Japanese Women Artists from the Fong-Johnstone Collection, a show that celebrates notable women artists working in painting, calligraphy, and ceramics in 17th through 20th century Japan. Kawao’s calligraphy graces the in-gallery texts throughout the exhibition.
Creative Hub—Martin Building, Level 1
Included in general admission